Design, estimating, and preconstruction teams.Construction specifiers, architects, and engineers.In every phase of a construction project, MasterFormat is an essential resource to produce projects that are safe, up-to-code and long-lasting. Broaden your professional development roadmap with CSI resource bundles, including discounts on CDT courses and prep materials, to onboard best practices across your organization to complement your use of MasterFormat. Contact our team for a quote based on your estimated number of users. To license MasterFormat for your company, enterprise licenses for multiple users are available. Enterprise license and CSI resource bundles.MasterFormat is available through three licensing options: Standardize and manage building products, cost codes, estimates, contracts, and change orders.Provide the basis for organizing construction documents.Organize and communicate specifications across project phases with MasterFormat numbers and titles.MasterFormat unifies your project under a common standard – connecting designs, building products, preconstruction activities, estimates, and contracts, and construction – supporting all phases of a safe, efficient construction project.

MasterFormat is the architecture, engineering, and construction (AEC) industry’s gold standard for organizing and communicating specifications and work results for construction projects.